
…to the websites of the Working Group “Media Education”, Institute of General Education and Vocational Education in the Department of Human Sciences (FB 03)


Profile of the Working Group Media Education

Information and communication technologies are developing rapidly, triggering and shaping changes in social structures and educational processes. Individuals—whether children, adolescents, parents, employees, or citizens—must continuously navigate an ever-evolving culture shaped by digital media. They are also called upon to contribute actively and flexibly to this landscape. This situation presents opportunities and challenges.

Educational science and media education research seeks to understand these technology-induced changes and address significant questions about the future of education and society. As German-based and philosophical-trained researchers, we strongly connect with the theories of “Bildung”. We investigate how self-determination and responsible participation can be encouraged in a technology-driven culture. Additionally, our research explores how digital transformation affects teaching and learning cultures in traditional educational institutions across Europe, such as schools and adult education centres.